
Everyone has their own fetish and kinks in their lives. And I felt like mine is pretty common but hidden from the society due to the lack of tolerance. I like to exhibit myself and sort of like nudism. But unlike nudism, I like the feeling of being seen. Whenever I’m sick, or seeing doctor, I will tell them there’s pain my groin area or pelvic so I get the chance to strip myself in front of others like the doctors and nurses. I’ve never tell anyone about it but this gives me good feelings after it. This is the second place I’m putting this confession. I don’t know if it’s really my problem or what? Should I go to see a physiatrist? I heard they’re very expensive and I don’t think I am sick.

~ Jam

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1 Response

  1. Us3rProbl3m says:

    i don’t think you are sick but i do like your fetish 👍🏻✨

    this is just my thoughts, maybe you should find people who shared similar “interest” 😏

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