I got pregnant while I was in college during the MCO period. My boyfriend and I had been together for five years and had even discussed marriage. Everything seemed to fall apart when his mother passed away from COVID. I forced to choose between his family and myself, and we ended up having a very painful breakup, vowing never to speak again. My biggest regret ever. A few weeks later, I discovered I was pregnant with his child, but he had blocked me on social media and phone, leaving me with no way to contact him. Two years on, I thought I could manage being a single mom, but I was wrong. The reality of it has overwhelmed me, and I’ve even considered sending my daughter to an orphanage or for adoption. I wasn’t prepared for the permanent commitment of motherhood, and my struggles with bipolar disorder make even the simplest tasks feel impossible during depressive episodes. I love my daughter dearly, but my lack of preparation and mental health challenges are affecting both of us, and I’m at a loss for what to do. I can’t even commit to a proper full time job and my dad is supporting my child care.
~ Wahida